- ​ANSI/ISA-5.1-2024 Instrument Identifications Enabled Specification Forms and Instrument Index
- 270 Microsoft Word Device Instrument Specification Forms for ALL Industries
- 2200+ Instrument Types with 2017-2023 Manufacturers Drop-Down List Data
- ​​100+ Integrated Fields, Plus 50+ Manual Entry Fields Instrument Index Excel Template
- Dashboard User Interface for Managing Instrument Data Sheet Templates and Instrument Index Files
- OSHA Compliant "Suitable for Use" Instrument Data Sheet
- Extensive Instrumentation Forms and Instrument Index Design Basis and Work Process Documentation and Tutorials​
- 10 NEW Multivariable Forms for Devices with Local or Remote I/O Including Extensive Point Configuration Data
- Macro Enabled Microsoft® Word Forms and Excel Templates
FREE Instrument Specification Forms and Integrated Instrument Index
About the Instrument Specs and Index Website
The Instrument Spec and Index website specsandidex.com aims to publish and solicit FREE crowdsourced information about:
- ISA-5.1-2009/2024 Instrument Identifications Number administration and generation
- Instrument device design documentation
- Consistent product driven specifications
- Optimize the “suitable for use” determinations
- Documenting a complete device, accessories and related calibration configuration data
- Purchase specification review and acceptance inspection of these devices
- Integrated or STANDALONE Instrument Index template using Excel spreadsheet with extensive custom views aligned with work processes
It is the intention of this website to document any kind of standard production instrument offered by competing manufacturers which publish their technical data on the Internet. Therefore, frequent revisions and addition of specification templates is a goal and expectation of this website.
About the Application
These Specification Forms have been optimized as a comprehensive document for collaboration and Work Sharing within multiple departments and external partners, such as manufacturers or vendors. The forms can be effectively managed using the structure of this application and exchanged with external parties for editing and importing back into the structure.
Many Analogous Phrases Reference This Style Specification Document Format and Content
Historical precedence and human tendency to shorten references to commonly understood practices or work products, has resulted in many names of different precision, for documents used to specify modern instruments and their cross-reference indexes; including :
- Instrument spec
- instrument spec form
- Instrument specification
- Instrument specification forms
- Instrument spec sheet
- Instrument specification sheet
- ISA Instrument specification forms
- ISA TR20.00,01 specification form
- Process instrument specification
- Data sheet
- Instrument data sheet
- Instrument data sheet templates
- ISA data sheet
- Instrument process data sheet
- Process instrument data sheet
- Other permeations of these keywords
- Instrument index
- Instrument index template
- ISA Instrument index
- Instrument index excel
- instrument index sheet
- Integrated instrument index
- Instrument schedule
- Other permeations of these keywords
This diversity of terminology sometimes hinders recognition of these analogous engineering tools used to manage such data.
Form's Design Based on ISA TR20.00.01 Specification Forms STYLE and CONTENT
Timeline of Forms Development Activity
- 1994 Consensus Standards Developer ISA Instrumentation Society of America® was requested to create forms compliant with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.119 requirements and expectations
- 1995 ISA S20 Committee approved updated control valve form ISA-S20.50 Rev 1 for interim use while committee developed and approved new form. ISA-20-1981 Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments, Primary Elements, and Control Valves
- 1995 Harmonized with definitions and terminology of ISA Comprehensive Dictionary of Measurement and Control 3rd Edition
- 1995 Created look-up table of US Customary units and International System of Units (SI) for pick list data and compliance with ISA standards development requirements.
- Harmonized Hazardous Area Classification identifications with NFPA 70®: National Electrical Code®
- 1995 Harmonized "type of protection" classifications following ANSI/ISA 12.12 series of standards
- 1995 Harmonized design operating limits definitions with ASME B31.3-2012 - Process Piping
- 1995 Harmonized with ANSI/ISA-S91.01-1995 Identification of Emergency Shutdown Systems and Controls That Are Critical to Maintaining Safety in Process Industries
- 1996 Harmonized with IEC-534-1 Part 1: Control Valve Terminology & General Considerations, Industrial-Process Control
- 1997 Coordinated new Control Valve form with ISA75, Control Valve Standards- ISA
- 1999 Harmonized abbreviations with ASME Y14.38 1999
- 2001 ISA-20.00.03-2001 Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments Part 3: Form Requirements and Development Guidelines was published
- 2001-2007 ISA-TR20.00.01 Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments Part 1: General Considerations was published
- 2003 Updated Criticality Classification terminology to harmonize with ISA-TR91.00.02-2003 Criticality Classification Guideline for Instrumentation
- 2004-2006 Collaborated with IEC 61987-1 Industrial-process measurement and control - Data structures and elements in process equipment catalogues - Part 1: Measuring equipment with analogue and digital output
- 2008 ISA-TR20.00.01 Specification Forms on CD was released
- 2009 CAE application SmartPlant Instrumentation® data sheet module added templates using TR20.00.01 Specification Forms content with integrated drop-down list, for 88 forms
- 2009 Form number prefix first-letter updated to comply with ANSI/ISA-5.1-2009 Instrumentation Symbols
and Identification - Table 4.1 Identification Letters
2010 Updated harmonization with ANSI/ISA-95.00.01-2010 (IEC 62264-1 Mod) Enterprise-Control System Integration - Part 1: Models and Terminology
- 2010-2012 ISA S20 Specification Forms integration with SPI, donated 40 SPI psr forms to LTUF of pending ISA S20 forms being approved.
- Updated Area Classification identifications with ANSI/ISA-60079-0 (12.00.01)-2013 Explosive Atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General Requirements
- 2015 Harmonized form terminology with IEC Common Data Dictionary for properties in common.
- 2015 Updated Safety Relief Valve Operating Parameters form to comply with API 520 Part 1
- 2015 Updated Health Hazard terminology with A Guide to The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS)
- Updated Control Valve Operating Parameters form for compatibility with ISA75.01, Control Valve Sizing Equations- ISA
- Updated temperature Operating Parameters form to comply with revised calculations for thermowell per ASME PTC 19.3 TW-2016 - Thermowells
- 2016 Harmonized common terminology with IEC 60050 - International Electrotechnical Vocabulary
- 2016 ISA S20 Committee DRAFTED 88 updated XML Word templates compliant with approved TR20.00.01 Specification Forms with integrated drop-down list.
- 2016-2019 ISA S20 Committee approved 107 drafted XML Word form templates plus drafted an additional 100 new or upgraded templates. (This form style approval work was indefinitely postponed in 2019.)
- 2016 Harmonized annunciator forms with ISA-18.1-1979 (R2004) Annunciator Sequences and Specifications
- 2018 Free Extract Data from Word Document File Form tested with these XML Word form templates.
- 2019 Updated terminology with ANSI/ISA-75.05.01-2019, Control Valve Terminology
- 2021 Crowd sourced Word XML form templates using modified TR20.00.01 Specification Forms STYLE AND CONTENT with integrated drop-down list are available on this InstrumentspecsandIndex website
- 2022 ISA-5.1-2022 (March 31) Instrumentation Symbols and Identifications investigated to confirm no revisions content that effects identifications of numbers
- 2022 ISA-5.1-2009/2022 Instrument Identifications Number Administration and Generation Enabler UserForm added to Specification Forms
- 2023 added multivariable device forms supporting configuration of hundreds of local or remote I/O components
- 2025 ISA-5.1-2024 Instrumentation Symbols and Identifications investigated to confirm no revisions content that effects identifications of numbers
Relative Magnitude of Instrument Specification Forms

- A perspective of the quantity of available Device Specification Forms over the last 42 years is identified by comparison to two major publishing.
- Instrument Specs and Index continues to update or add new forms every quarter
Instrument Specification Forms for All Industries and Applications
- Analog signal process measurement and final control elements for single variable devices have experienced minimal changes over decades.
- Digital multivariable instruments with remote communications require extensive additional documentation.

Manage Work Processes Using Specification Forms Dashboard

- The integrated Dashboard displays real-time status and access to the available templates, saved forms and multiple Instrument index tables.
- The predefined file structure can be modified to support additional subfolders that will automatically be accessible through this interface.
Query (Filter) Operating Parameter Forms by Form Number
- Operating Parameters Forms can be used to document design requirements during the initial Process Engineering Design stage of a project.
- Their complete data can easily be copied in a single action, to any Device Specification Forms at the subsequent Detailed Design stage of a project.

Query (Filter) Device Instrument Specification Forms by Component Type

- Entering, expanding or simplifying the Filter data will automatically update the list of available forms.
- Frequently a Component Type can be specified on alternate forms of differing technology or complexity.
Select Project Instrument Specification Form Document by Name and Type
The single integrated file structure interface provides status to manage:
- Saved Specification Forms
- Sample training data
- Review of externally edited/imported forms
- Individual active project segregated forms
- Typical form default data for repetitive or consistent application
- Historical project data for review

Review All Instrument Specification Forms/Tags in Instrument Index

Review Integrated Instrument Specification Forms data and/or manually entered Instrument Index data for all or filtered documents or Tags:
- Custom views of fields
- Percentage completeness (non-blank)
- Default sort by Loop Name plus Keywords (Formatted Instrumentation/Tag Number)
- Sort A to Z or Z to A
- Consistency/frequency of entered values
- Color and sort by color
- Text filter search
- Enabled Customizable reports for printing
- All Microsoft formatting and Share functionality
User Friendliness and Consistency Across Forms
- Instrumentation Identification Number generator maximizes consistent Tag numbers with project's requirements and other Instrument index loop and tag number records
- Process instrument data sheets for independently documenting process engineering stage work products
- Legally sufficient process instrument specification data combined with manufacturer’s device performance data, to document “suitable for use” compliance
- Consistent data organization and technical terminology across all specification forms
- Designed for Electronic Data Interchange with data import and export capabilities
- Optional "free format editing" section for general or special requirements not captured in structured data sections
- Robust Form Titles with generalized scope description along with specific device type subtitle
- Place holder text identifying fields user did not complete and unlabeled units of measure fields
- Extensive drop-down list assist data consistency and expected context “by example” where field prompt is not self-explanatory
- Coordinated multipage forms with repeating header and footer data where applicable
- Context sensitive help definition for many fields and integration of application help with standard Word’s help
- Alignment with required data for latest revision of calculation programs
- Editable Drop-down list values and reports documenting such changes
- Query style form selection often providing multiple options based on instrument type and application
Nearly Universal Use of Drop-down List of Manufacturer's Data
Drop-Down list of "By-Example" values significantly effect consistency and efficiency of data entry:
- Technically strong
- Manufacturers familiar terminology
- Builds confidence of field prompts
- Accepts any new values
- Standardizes identification of Not Applicable (NA)

Application Service Description in Manufacturers Terminology

- Collaboration with manufacturers or vendors can be harmonized when common terminology is available.
- Drop-Down list of manufacturers expertise terminology is available for most forms
Enhanced Text Formatting and Automatic Spelling Check
Review and Approval cycle enhancements can:
- Highlight changes for quick identification
- Document recommended value
- Spell check consistent terms or abbreviations

Copy All Matching Content Control Data Between Specification Forms

Enhance work processes and quality with mass copy:
- Line data to multiple devices
- Vessel data to multiple devices
- Typical device data from library of devices
- Change device form
- Similar tag's data
- Archived project form
- Externally edited form to project active form
- Primary element to transmitter
Quantify Communication Inputs/Outputs for Multifunction Devices
Many smart devices now include extensive signals:
- Compensate primary measurement
- Local data collector
- I/O and recipe for batch processing
- Interlocks
- Calculations for display/control
- Remote inventory management software
- Software configuration
- Data and alarm history storage
- Custody transfer data
- Wireless communications
- Dial-up communications
- Printing
- Emergency event sequence and documentation
- Basic Process Control and Safety Instrumented Systems

Calibration and Test Table Includes All Multivariable Signals
Consistent and robust Calibration & Test data:
- Analog. Binary, Digital
- Predefined alarm or setpoints
- Local display ranges
- Communication data configuration
- Control action for binary wiring design

Supports Unlimited Tag Specific Data for Common Main Device

Complex main devices may share interfacing of multiple similar functions which need tag specific documentation.
- Annunciator
- Local operator work station HMI
- Recording or data logging
- Local data collector
- Remote terminal unit
- Fieldbus signal junctions
General or Special Requirements Supports Word's Insert Functionality
The optional General or Special Requirements section documents any significant aspects that are not captured within the other sections and can be used by both the specifier and the manufacturer to clarify such issues that need to be agreed upon for completing the work activity. This form part will not print if no data has been entered.

User Friendly Drop-Down List Customization

Extensive functionality to mange customization of drop-Down List.
- User friendly interface of individual list
- Printable report of changes per form
- Optional Email of change report
- Add new value
- Modify existing value
- Remove existing value
- Move value in list
- Prevent editing
Macros Provide Enhanced Word Process Functionality
Microsoft macro security is enforced, User is notified to Enable macros at every editing session.
- Macros are saved with document so that subsequent editing is notified and enforced
- User recorded macros are available and saved with document

The Bill of RIGHTS
- ​The price is RIGHT - Free
- The terms of use are RIGHT - Anything but resale
- ​​Compliance is RIGHT - Designed for Regulatory Accountability
- The applications are RIGHT - Microsoft ® Word and Excel
- The technology is RIGHT - XML forms plus free format word-processing
- User-Interface is RIGHT - Consistent Data Organization and User-friendly features
- The content is RIGHT - Documented Requirements and Manufacture Specifications